Page 294 - Melanesia
P. 294

he challenging breaks of Cloudbreak     the weather is hotter. Expect glassy water      or Matanivusi, can access the same breaks
                                             and afternoon showers. Less experienced         as people staying at Tavarua or Namotu.
T and Restaurants are set over shallow                                                       Although there is some surfing off Kadavu,
reef off Tavarua Island and are character-   surfers will have an easier time surfing in     Vanua Levu and Lau Group by far the most
                                                                                             popular and consistent breaks are are found
ized by their long, fast barreling lefts. Both Fiji during the summer, but don’t let the     on the reef passes of the southern most
                                                                                             islands of the Mamanuca chain—home to
breaks provide the perfect surfing elements smaller waves fool you. Surfing in Fiji takes    Cloudbreak and the other famous breaks
                                                                                             around Tavarua and Namotu. The other
that make for World Championship tours       skill and confidence in your abilities, and     major break, Frigates, fringes a pass on the
                                                                                             barrier reef surrounding Beqa Island. To get
like the Globe Pros and Roxy Fiji Pros. These comfort in the water. The breaks are all over  their you need to travel about two and a
                                                                                             half hours east by car from Nadi to Pacific
are excellent waves to ride for the truly    coral reefs, which are not the best place for   Harbour, where you’re an approximate 20
                                                                                             minute boat ride from the break. There are
advanced surfer and have recently been       beginners to learn to surf in Fiji.             a couple other minor breaks along the Coral
                                                                                             Coast, such as Hideaways and beach breaks
opened up to all surfers.                    I f you surf, you’ve heard of Fiji and some     near the Sigatoka River but nothing close
                                                of the legendary breaks such as `Swim-       to the magnitude of Cloudbreak, Restau-
F iji’s winter runs from April through       ming Pools’, ‘Restaurants’ and of course,       rants, and the like.
     October. This is the time of year that
low-pressure systems build in the Southern `Cloud Break’. Not so long ago, those breaks

Hemisphere, south of New Zealand, and        were for the exclusive use of resorts such as

send consistently huge swells toward Fiji. Namotu and Tavarua. That’s no longer the

Surf conditions can range as high as 8-10 case. The Government of Fiji has in effect,

feet with 12-20 foot faces. Winter is the    deregulated the waves. Fiji’s 2010 “Surfing

best time of year for experienced surfers    Decree” allows anyone to surf anywhere in

to surf Fiji. November through March is      Fiji waters. For example, with the decree

warmer, wetter, and more humid. Swells are in place a visitor staying at a property on

shorter in duration, winds are lighter, and Viti Levu’s “Mainland” such as Seashell Cove
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