Page 300 - Melanesia
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estaurants is a left reef break that is  you’re in the mood for a fun and powerful         the waves increase in size. Swells of 1.5-2m
                                               right-hander, head to Wilkes. Sometimes           are common but it’s not unusual to find 10-
R long and hollow. It does not get as          called Wilkes Pass or Wilkes Passage, this        foot waves here.
                                               is one spot where you can find surfing in
much swell as Cloudbreak, thanks to a          Fiji that is suitable for all skill levels. This  S wimming Pools - The Fiji surf spot
180-degree turn around the island, but still   makes Wilkes a popular spot, so be pre-                Swimming Pools gets its name from its
manages excellent 3 to 8 foot waves. Plenty    pared for crowds at times. Wilkes Pass is         colour - it’s a clear, bright blue, much like a
of power means fast movement through           located just one mile northwest of Namotu         swimming pool. The Fiji surf spot Swimming
barrels of perfectly shaped waves. It is long  Island Resort. It is an open-ocean reef pass      Pools gets its name from its colour - it’s a
and shreddable and has even been referred      that breaks on the southern tip of a long         clear, bright blue, much like a swimming
to as “machine-like” due to its consistency.   exposed barrier reef. Wilkes is long and          pool. This is the go-to spot to surf in Fiji if
Both longboarders and shortboarders have       hollow, rising straight out of the very deep      you want to just enjoy the ride and relax.
fun on these waves. Lengths are normally       water at the end of the Malolo Barrier Reef.      It’s been described as “clean”, “fun”, and
50-150m and tube rides of up to 15 seconds     You can expect consistent surfing here,           “rippable.” Along with Namotu Lefts, Swim-
are not unheard of for skilled riders.         even if it is a bit smaller during the summer.    ming Pools is one of the closest spots to
                                               Given its location across a deep channel          surf near Namotu Island Resort. It is located
W ilkes - About a mile northwest of            at the end of the Malolo Barrier Reef, you        just south of the resort. This close proximity
          Namotu Island, across the channel,   need to watch out for rips as well as the         makes it a popular destination for all water
Wilkes Pass is a powerful right barrel that    reef, but it is not as shallow as some of the     sports, including SUPs and kiteboarders.
breaks on the southern tip of a long barrier   other spots to surf in Fiji. Wilkes’ location     Swimming Pools is the place to have fun on
reef. About a mile northwest of Namotu         opens it up to swells and all kinds of wind,      the water, whether you’ve got a longboard
Island, across the channel, Wilkes Pass is     which gives reasonable take-offs followed         or a shortboard. It is a right reef break that
a powerful right barrel that breaks on the     by long walls. You’ll find some nice sections     comes up from the deep ocean with clean
southern tip of a long barrier reef. Wilkes    of speed on the wall and will end up in a         groundswells. This gives it speed, power,
is a serious wave that will test the skill of  shallow, inside bowl. Although Wilkes is          and length that make it suitable for a wide
any surfer, especially as it approaches the    suitable for many levels of surfers, it is still  range of surfing styles and boards.
10 foot mark. While once crowded, these        a challenging Fiji surf spot, particularly as
days you might find yourself alone with
your mates on this challenging wave. If
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