Page 332 - Melanesia
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ne becomes such a figure by holding a   tion also provides for the establishment of    T ourism increased 17% from 2007 to
                                               village or island courts presided over by           2008 to reach 196,134 arrivals, accord-
O number of lavish feasts (each feast al-      chiefs to deal with questions of customary     ing to one estimate. Tourism has been pro-
                                               law.                                           moted, in part, by Vanuatu being the site of
lowing them a higher ceremonial grade) or                                                     several reality-TV shows. The ninth season
alternatively through inheritance (the latter  T ourism brings in much-needed foreign         of the reality TV series Survivor was filmed
only in Polynesian-influenced villages).            exchange. Vanuatu is widely recognized    on Vanuatu, entitled Survivor: Vanuatu—
Government and society in Vanuatu tend to      as one of the premier vacation destinations    Islands of Fire. Two years later, Australia’s
divide along linguistic French and English     for scuba divers wishing to explore coral      Celebrity Survivor was filmed at the same
lines. Forming coalition governments, how-     reefs of the South Pacific region. A further   location used by the US version. In mid-
ever, has proved problematic at times due      significant attraction to scuba divers is the  2002, the government stepped up efforts to
to differences between English and French      wreck of the luxury cruise liner and con-      boost tourism.
speakers. The Supreme Court consists of a      verted troop carrier SS President Coolidge
chief justice and up to three other judges.    on Espiritu Santo island. Sunk during the
Two or more members of this court may          Second World War, it is one of the largest
constitute a Court of Appeal. Magistrate       shipwrecks in the world that is accessible
courts handle most routine legal matters.      for recreational diving.
The legal system is based on British com-
mon law and French civil law. The constitu-
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