Page 358 - Melanesia
P. 358

STAR OF RUSSIA: There are several wreck       America’s military presence in the region        channel between Santo Island and Aore
dives in Port Vila’s bay, including the 1874  during World War II.                             Island collapsed.
Star of Russia, which rests in 36 meters of
water.                                        TUTUBA POINT: boasts exceptional vis-            THE CATHEDRAL - At Pango Point outside of
                                              ibility, making it a most enjoyable experi-      Port Vila, drop to the bottom of a 20-metre
TUI TAWATE: a well-known New Zealand          ence to discover its chasms, caves and           rock wall to enter Cathedral Cave, check
vessel involved in the oil savage efforts on  swim-throughs, soft and hard coral, and an       out its round room, and exit to drift before
the SS President Coolidge, has made a sand    abundance of colorful reef creatures and         ascending, along the spectacular reef wall,
flat and beyond, a coral garden, her eternal  tropical fish.                                   awash with colorful sea life, including “elec-
resting place, surrounded forever by teem-                                                     tric” phosphorous clams.
ing fish life.                                FANTASTIC: The great gorgonian fan corals
                                              and schools of fish bring color and move-        HIDEAWAY ISLAND MARINE PARK: A
MILLION DOLLAR POINT: One of the most         ment to the scene. Spanish dancers and           protected underwater sanctuary, Mele
unique dive sites in the world, Million Dol-  dog tooth tuna also present.                     Reef Marine Sanctuary in Hideaway Island
lar Point is a mass of vehicles and equip-                                                     Marine Park boasts the world’s only under-
ment used and then dumped during WWII.        Sib Nets: is a unique dive site, featuring gor-  water post office. Just 50 meters from the
                                              geous displays of hard coral and gorgonian       shore, at a depth of 3 meters.
AORE PLANE: a two-seater spy plane rests in   fans in a reef that has been growing since
the reef, and all around it lies ammunition,  the end of the Second World War, when the
glass Coca Cola bottles and all the signs of  chain nets that ran along the length of the
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