Page 373 - Melanesia
P. 373
EMPERORS GARDEN: A very colorful coral gradual slope to water no deeper than 15 and manta ray. On the southern side of the
slope. Plate, table, staghorn, elkhorn and meters. This site is also well known for its reef, colorful soft coral grow. Many feather
lace corals cascade down the slope in a excellent display of marine life and great stars and coral formations decorate the top
plethora of color and shapes. There is a visibility. Ideal for all level divers. Makes a of the reef. Numerous small coral fish add
wide selection of reef fish, but numbers great night dive. to the enjoyment of this dive. The wall bot-
are a little bit lower than some of the other toms out at 25 meters, then drops slowly
reefs, as locals do fish from shore. The true GHOST TRAIN: a journey through a naturally away to deeper depths. Good visibility at
feature of this dive is the hot spring bub- formed volcanic tunnel. When the light 20 meters + is normal for this dive. There
bling up from the ocean floor. Look for the reappears get ready for some fantastically are some currents during certain tides. Max
brown patches in the sand and move your beautiful soft coral life. Nudibranchs, Ghost Depth: 25 meters.
hands above them very slowly for a remark- pipefish, Goby shrimps, sponges and sea
able experience. The slope bottoms out at squirts. With the close proximity to shore HANGOVER REEF: Colorful reef featuring
around 22m and then drops slowly away and predominately sandy bottom, visibility an abundance of large intact table corals,
to deeper depths. A chance to try and spot does tend to average around 4 – 6 meters, clams, sponges, clusters of multi colored
some white tip reef sharks, tuna and blue so best done with no swell or recent rain- Stag and Elkhorn corals and a variety of
spotted trevally. Max Depth: 20 meters. fall. Max Depth: 22 meters. bright encrusting corals. Another exciting
feature is the numerous swim throughs
FILA ISLAND REEF: Explore live coral and GOTHAM CITY: Named for its batfish which with white sandy bottoms and sunlight
small tropical fish just 15 minutes from the accompany you on your dive, a very color- streaming through the cracks in the reef
dive base. Depth is 6 to 15 meters. Situated ful and popular reef area which rises to above. Max depth: 20 meters.
swimming distance from shore. Here you within 6m of the surface. A large variety of
will find a beautiful coral decorated reef marine life abounds from sharks, barracuda,
that starts in shallow waters and follows a and dog tooth tuna to the occasional turtle