Page 423 - Melanesia
P. 423
PANAMA CHANNEL - Big brain coral formations were you can place to explore, and a favorite with eagle rays in season. Depth: 16
cruise around and explore the little overhangs. This is an easy and in- – 24 meters.
teresting dive site. Stone fish, scorpionfish, lionfish, napoleon wrasse, M.V. MATAORA - Inter island cargo ship, sunk in 1990 as dive site.
moray eels, trigger fish, eagle rays. Depth: 12 – 30 meters. The MV Mataora was an outer island cargo schooner that was pur-
TANGAROAS ROCK - Hard coral reef dive with lots of overhangs, posely sunk on the 11th December 1990 to create an artificial reef for
swim throughs and little caves to explore. Sea turtles, whitetip reef divers in Rarotonga. Originally 45 meters in length, the 300 tons ves-
sharks, eagle rays, lionfish, moray eels, napoleon wrasse, triggerfish. sel lays today in 10 to 18 meter depth of water. Unfortunately because
Depth: 12-28 meters.. of Cyclones and rough seas it is very well broken up with nice hard
EDNA’S ANCHOR - This site in front of Trader Jack’s has received coral reef surrounding the wreck site. whitetip reef sharks, turtles, li-
its name from the anchor of the schooner Edna, which later sunk in onfish, stonefish, scorpionfish, moray eels. Depth: 12 – 18 meters.
Atiu. The anchor lies between two big coral bommies in 24 meters, SS MAI TAI - This 1892 built steam ship struck the reef outside Ava-
which makes it perfectly clear why Edna lost its anchor. This sand rua Harbour on Christmas Eve 1916. The engine block is sticking out
passage leads at the shallow end into Avarua harbor and to a drop off of the water right in front of town, so every single person coming to
at the deep end. Big hard coral formations along the side of the sand Rarotonga has a glimpse of this big vessel. After nearly 100 years of
give this side a nice contrast that leads into a sandy drop off. This is an resting just below the surf zone, this wreck is now part of the reef. The
ideal dive for all levels. Those qualified can experience the drop-off ’s main superstructure is still visible as well as the rudder, various boil-
full splendor from a deeper perspective while shallower dives give a ers and of course the engine block. The wreck is scattered over a large
wide view of its curving nature. scorpion fish, stonefish, sea turtles, area and still today artefacts like old glass bottles or Ford Model-T car
whitetip reef sharks, napoleon wrasse, pufferfish and lionfish. Depth: tires can be found. It is the shallowest dive site on Rarotonga and can
10 – 30 meters.. only be dived when sea conditions are extremely favorable. Depth: 10
SMURF CITY - All A site rich with fish life and a coral landscape that meters.
provides a stunning backdrop. This is a site for the explorer, with plen- TUPAPA SAND RIVER - Massive sandriver that slopes gradually to
ty to see in and around all the swim-throughs and bommies. Keep an the drop off and disappears in the deep blue of the Pacific. whitetip
eye out for the huge numbers of fish that will come in close to have a reef sharks, sea turtles, eagle rays, napoleon wrasse. Depth: 10 – 30
good look at you. Depth: 12 -24 meters. meters.
CORAL GARDENS - This rich coral area is very similar to Paradise
but with much more pronounced mushroom shaped bommies rising
all around, making this a truly picturesque dive site. This is a great