Page 492 - Melanesia
P. 492
SANDFLY PASSAGE: There are several sites in current stream to the south of Tulagi. One edge sharks as you drift along the reef’s edge. Depth
this area around Sandfly. At the south eastern of this reef is a sheer wall dropping from 8m Range: 5 meters – 30 meters.
entrance there is a wall drift with many fans with down to 50m. The top of the reef is covered with
quite a few exceeding 3 meters in diameter. anemones, and a colorful coral garden. At the TWIN TUNNELS: close to Tulagi, is a coral bombie
On the southern side approaching the passage point, near the mooring, there is a great place to approximately 120 meters in diameter. The top
is Robert’s Point or Barracuda Point. There are see some sharks up close, the direction of cur- of reef is in 12 -16 meters and features two tun-
Barracuda here and you will find them in the rent does matter for this to occur though. nels eroded in the edge of the reef descending
shallows (2-3 meters deep). The rest of the reef down to a common cavern exiting to the wall at
is a kaleidoscope of color as there is good water THE ‘T’ SPOT: This dive starts at 8m at the top 35 – 40 meters. The top of the reef is spectacular
movement over the reef. Inside Sandfly passage of the reef. Dropping over the edge leads to a in its own right and there is no need to go down
there is also the Tulagi Switzer - a small island gentle sloping bottom at 32m. Drifting along to the cave. Many divers enjoy the thrill of going
about half way through the passage. At most of the reef’s edge, you navigate around several down one or other of the tunnels though. Due
the spots around Sandfly there is a current to aid groins covered with sea fans, clouds of baitfish to the currents that pass over this reef it attracts
you to drift along - be careful at the entrances, and game fish. At the deepest part of this dive many pelagic fish, Dog Tooth Tuna, Blue Fin Trav-
though, as currents can run at several knots. you will find a landing craft left at the end of the elly, Spanish Mackerel and Barracuda are often
war. On top of the reef you will find shells of the seen here along with the usual suspects the Grey
TASSAFARONGA POINT: Here the local reef ex- marine variety, particularly spider shells. Manta Reef shark, the White Tip reef Shark and the Black
tends out from a headland catching the current rays are also seen sometimes so don’t forget to Tip reef Shark. Strong currents are often present,
resulting in prime schooling locations for eagle look up every now and then. so stay on or near the bottom. At the end of the
rays, pygmy mantas, turtles and reef sharks. A dive come back to the center area of the reef to
great drift dive. Depth Range: 5 meters – 30 TURTLE BEACH: In Season, Green sea turtles move out of the current, here you find lots of
meters. climb the sandy slope to lay their eggs. The dive macros to delight.
is made around a coral point extending out from
THE TEASE: is a reef about 500 meters long and the beach and it is not uncommon to spot a
100 meters wide standing out in the prevailing number of turtles along with eagle rays and reef