Page 80 - Melanesia
P. 80

ew other places in the world offer such    the lifeblood of Fiji’s reefs, kick-starting the  represent the main season for scuba diving
                                                food chain by sweeping nutrients to both          in Fiji in terms of diver numbers, although
F an abundance of this coral, nor the wide      corals and fish alike. The currents affect the    the visibility tends to peak between the
                                                water’s visibility with incoming currents         months of July and December when the
spectrum of colors, ranging from pink, pur-     bringing clear sea water into the lagoons         water is cooler. It can cool enough in this
ple, orange, yellow and fiery red. Dendrone-    and outgoing currents removing any cloudy         period to reduce plankton activity suffi-
phthya soft coral needs current. With little    lagoon water. Lagoons are a feature of the        ciently for the visibility to rise to impressive
current present, the soft corals are muted,     islands and often the water remains shallow       distances, sometimes exceeding 50 meters.
but as the current increases, they inflate      until some distance from shore. This means        November to April are Fiji’s summertime
with water and their colors explode. As the     that most of the diving is conducted from         and when the seas are at their warm-
current picks up, planktivores such as beau-    boats and also that the shorelines are great      est - around 28 to 30°C. This is also rainy
tifully colored anthias spring up off the reef  for adults and children alike to go snorke-       season and December to March carries a
in schools. The best places for soft coral in   ling and swimming.                                greater risk of cyclones. Run-off from Fiji’s
Fiji are the Bligh Waters between Viti Levu                                                       rivers can reduce the otherwise excellent
and Vanua Levu where there are numerous         G eographically there are so many is-             visibility, particularly on dive sites off the
reefs and pinnacles, the Somosomo Strait               lands that you have to decide whether      coast of Viti Levu. For comfort and protec-
between Taveuni and Vanua Levu, and Na-         you wish to travel to experience the best         tion, many choose to dive with a 5mm full
mena Island and its marine protected area.      scuba diving Fiji has to offer or you want to     length wetsuit during winter months from
                                                stay put in one place and get a taste of that     May to October, and a 3mm during summer
C onditions and underwater sights vary          area alone. Stay on Taveuni to see the soft       months from November to April.
       greatly here and while some places       coral splendor of the Somosomo Strait, and
are tranquil and great for learning, most       Kadavu Island to explore the Great Astro-
sites will enjoy some current, ranging from     labe Reef. The dive season is all year round.
barely perceptible to very strong. It is this   The winter months of April to October
presence of current that makes the diving
in the Fijian Islands so rich. Currents are
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