Page 88 - Melanesia
P. 88
he Pinnacle - The Pinnacle stands alone in open water and to each other and covered in yellow soft corals and violet finger
corals. Circle around each pinnacle that has table corals and red
T is a submerged sea mount. In the right conditions there is a gorgonian sea fans and resident sea life including nudibranchs,
sea dragons, anthias, butterflyfish, longnose hawkfish and moray
moderate current. The submerged sea mount has the shape of a eels. Upon reaching the last pinnacle, take your time as you dou-
mushroom cloud. There are hard and soft corals, grey reef sharks, ble back to the first bommie where the dive boat is moored right
hammerhead sharks, nurse sharks, eagle rays and the potential for above you. The top of the pinnacles are covered with sea anemo-
tiger sharks. The Pinnacle has a reputation as one of Fiji’s best sites nes and provide a home for fire clownfish and shrimps.
for pelagics.
T he Three Nuns – Located near Yanuca Island on the outer edg-
es of Beqa Lagoon are three large coral outcrops fairly close