Page 106 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 106

FRANKO MAP DESCRIPTION                           Rosa Shallows, San Francisco Reef/Wall,         Cozumel shows a sampling of these items
Side 1 of Franko’s Map of Cozumel: This is       Cardona Reef, Punta Tunich, Yucab Wall,         dating from the Spanish exploration era on-
the first of a series of Caribbean Maps that     Yucab, Tormentos Reef, Wreck of the Felipe      ward. Maya ruin sites, where there still can
Franko has been working on for over three        Xicitencatl (Cozumel’s Wreck), Bolones          be found beautiful examples of former great
years. At last it was finished in October,       de Chankanaab, Beachcomeber Cavern,             cites in Cozumel’s interior are also located
2003. Franko’s Map of Cozumel, which is          Chankanaab Reef, Chankanaab Underwa-            on this map. They include the famous and
and island just off the Yucatan Peninsula of     ter Park, Fiesta American Cozumel Reef,         fabulous San Gervasio, El Cedral, Santa Rita,
the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, features      Las Palmas Drop-off, Las Palmas Shallows,       etc. Some folks travel to Cozumel just to
an layout of Isla de Cozumel, based on           Paraiso Sur (Paradise South), Paradise Shal-    see the ruins. Since much of Cozumel is a
nautical charts and aerial photos. Cozumels      lows, Paradise Reef, Paraiso Norte (Paradise    Marine Park (Marine Parque Arricefes De
roads, Maya ruins, resorts, and other fea-       North), International Pier, Aeroplane Wreck,    Cozumel), it is certain that this map fits right
tures are shown on side one. Most impor-         La Ceiba Reef Preserve, Gorgonian Flats,        into Franko’s personal love of the undersea.
tantly, is the location and detailed descrip-    Villablanca Drop-off, Villablanca Reef, Pico’s  For those who are interested, Cozumel also
tions of 55 scuba diving and snorkeling sites,   Reef (Barracuda Reef), Barge Wreck Eagle        has a trio of notable surf spots, which are
which is what Cozumel gains it’s prestige        Ray Wall, San Juan Reef, and Barracuda.         located on the map. They include Playa
and fame. It is noteworthy to say that           The descriptions of these underwater walls,     Bonita, Chen Rio and Mezcalito’s. Cannons,
Cozumel boasts some of the most outstand-        coral pinnacles and buttresses and coral        anchors and other artifacts are found in the
ing scuba diving on earth. One could claim       gardens is briefly told for each one, and then  waters of Cozumel.
that as many as five of the top ten scuba sites  on side two of the map there is a drawing
in the world are along Cozumel’s leeward         and descriptions of these features in gen-
(west) side.                                     eral. Franko’s Map of Cozumel also shows a
From south to north, the fabulous reefs          number of dive sites on the windward side of
include Maracaibo Reef, Chun Chacab Reef,        Cozumel, including El Islote, Playa Bush, El
Punta Sur Reef (South Point), Columbian          Mirador, Punta Chiqueros, Chen Rio, Punta
Pinnacles (Columbia Reef), Columbia              Morena, Los Atolones and Islotes.
Shallows (Columbia Gardens), Palancar            For those who are interested, Cozumel also
Reef, Palancar Caves, Palancar Horseshoe,        has a trio of notable surf spots, which are
Palancar Shallows (Palancar Gardens), La         located on the map. They include Playa
Francesa Reef, Punta Dalila, Paso Del Ceral      Bonita, Chen Rio and Mezcalito’s. Can-
Wall, Paso Del Cedral Reef. Santa Rosa Wall      nons, anchors and other artifacts are found
(possibly Cozumel’s best dive site), Santa       in the waters of Cozumel. Franko’s Map of
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