Page 115 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 115

CHUN CHACAB REEF 10-30m+ (30-                  “IRONSTONE” OR “IRONSHORE” is                  ANCHORS & CANNONS Spanish wreck
100ft.+) Seldom dived advanced site in         composed of petrified coral. Cozumel is a      remnants are embedded in coral offshore.
typically strong winds and unpredictable       petrified coral island, eroded by wind and     MAYA RUINS San Gervasio is the most
currents to coral rubble ledge and wall drop   waves. Maya clay can still be found in the     popular, Santa Rita, Ixpalbarco, Xhanan and
off beginning at 30m (100ft.).                 ironshore.                                     Castillo Real are the best of the big sites, and
MARACAIBO REEF 36m+ (120ft.+) Boat             PLAYA BONITA SURFING Friendly waves            Tumba del Caracol and El Cedral are the
dive to deep and nearly vertical reef. Ad-     for beginners and longboarders in protected    best of small sites. Other sites exist, but are
vanced fast-moving, deep drift dive. Coral     crescent beach                                 not generally open to the public.
and limestone formations swept by strong       PUNTA CHIQUEROS to 6m (20ft.)                  LOS ATOLONES 9-30m+ (30-100ft.+)
currents. Too deep for most.                   Shallow beginners shore dive in sheltered      Boat dive just off of El Castillo Real Maya
EL ISLOTE to 9m (30ft.) It is uncommon         lagoon, but ocean swells reduce visibility.    ruins. Drift dive along spur and groove reef
for dive boats to go to this distant, shallow  Usually snorkeled, rarely for scuba.           for very advanced scuba divers only due to
site, which is exposed to strong currents      CHEN RIO 9-15m (30-50ft.) Long boat            open ocean and strong currents.
and swells. Accessible only during summer.     dive to worn-out reef with colorful inverte-   ISLOTES to 9m (30 ft.) Rare boat dive to
Large coral reef here is almost an island,     brates. Avoid the bearded fireworm! Tropi-     shallow “micro-atolls” with unique, eroded
full of all types of corals, sponges and reef  cal reef fish abound in this open ocean site.  “Coralline” (limestone) formations for
creatures.                                                                                    scuba or snorkeling. Strong currents makes
PLAYA BUSH 12-20m (40-66ft.) Boat dive         PUNTA MORENA 15-30m+ (50-100ft.+)              this dive intermediate plus.
beyond headland just north of Mayan ruins.     Unpredictable currents at steep and deep       BAJO DE MOLAS 12-20m (40-66ft.) Adv.
Spur and groove reef has numerous colorful     site. All kinds of moray eels, star and brain  Boat dive rarely visited due to distance and
reef fish, but the long boat ride makes this   corals, and colorful anemones.                 unpredictability of strong currents. Corals
site a rare dive.                              SUMMERTIME SEA TURTLE NESTING                  and sponges encrust rocky outcroppings.
EL MIRADOR 12-20m (40-60ft.) Beg.              restricts and prohibits night time beach       PASSION ISLAND Snorkel to 6m (20ft)
- Adv.Boat dive to spur and groove reef is     visitation in this area.(see cozumelinsider.   depth in sheltered mangrove lagoon with no
exposed to swells. Turtles nest on beach       com/acs/turtles).                              current. This natural fish nursery also has
opposite this site. El Mirador is a scenic     MEXCALITO’S SURFING Surfers enjoy              countless invertebrates, and some croco-
walk-through fossil reef on beach (wear        a nice beach break over shallow reef when      diles.
shoes - it’s sharp).                           waves are small.
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