Page 271 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 271
Baja, Sea of Cortez and the Pacific Islands
T he diving environment and choice of the Guide is broken into the following main sections require multiple trips and many weeks of diving.
locations in the Baja Peninsula, the Sea of of: The Pacific Coast, Northern Sea of Cortez, That is just how far reaching and diverse this
Cortez and the Pacific islands presents one of the Southern Sea of Cortez, The Pacific Islands, magical area is. We will start by explaining the
most diverse, if not the most diving environment Guadalupe Island, Revillagodeo Islands (Socorro geographical and historical data of this region
in the world. From the kelp forests, to majestic Islands) and then discuss the dive sites. We are positive by
whales and dolphins to the big pelagics of the the time you finish with the Baja Peninsula, Sea
Pacific Islands, including Great White Sharks, this Hopefully we will be able to portray the diver- of Cortez and the Pacific Islands guide you will be
guide provides an overview of what is available sity of what is available and hammer home planning multiple dive trips to this region. You
and the numerous choices available. The Baja the point that a thorough diving adventure will will not be disappointed.