Page 286 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 286

uring the Reform War, Liberal forces    During the regime of Porfirio Diaz (1876        assassination of Francisco I. Madero, when
                                               to 1910), the Mexican government invited        troops were organized. These troops de-
D under General Manuel Marquez de              foreign enterprises to enter the country to     feated federal troops in 1914 and took over
                                               develop it. In Baja California, these included  La Paz. From the end of the Mexican Revo-
Leon and others captured La Paz. French        mining operations including a major French      lution to 1974, the territory had ten gover-
forces then invaded the country to support     mina called El Boleo (today Santa Rosalia)      nors appointed by the federal government.
the Conservative cause and then Governor       and the establishment of maritime routes.       The division of the peninsula was further
Felix Gilbert recognized Emperor Maximil-      This president also divided the peninsula into  formalized in 1931, with a highway extend-
ian. However, Mexican forces under Benito      two parts, each with its own government.        ing its length the same year. The southern
Juarez forced the French out, with Coronel                                                     territory became a state on October 8, 1974.
Clodomiro Cota, recapturing the peninsula      T he southern peninsula was not involved
from the French. The division of the peninsu-       in the Mexican Revolution until after the
la into north and south occurred in 1888 by
the federal government under Porfirio Diaz.
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