Page 305 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 305
os Islotes - This is the largest sea lion sea mount. small reef fish and eels are spotted jawfish in the sand by the wreck
L rookery in the Sea of Cortes. Depth is found in the rocky boulders at 20 meters. and seahorses, frogfish and even a sea spi-
usually around 5 meters but it can drop off der can be found on the reef. There is usu-
over rocky boulder to 20 meters or more. ally a strong current here and whale sharks
alandra - A beautiful cove on mainland and mantas have been spotted here as well.
BThe sea lions are the highlight of the dive Baja, has inside the western tip of the
with pups playing with the divers from Sep- marine sanctuary. Visibility is usually not
tember to October. At the west side of the Ivery good and the reef starts from 1 to 15m
island is another sea mount called “El Bajito”, sla Cerralvo - A small rock off the NW side of
where there is a sandy bottom. In the sand the island is called Carpenter Rock. The reef
with the top at 5 meters and dropping off there is a 5 meters statue of Christ hold- drops off on the east side to 20 meters and
to 30 meters around the sides. This used ing a triton shell and also very large jew- off the W side to over 40 meters. Another sea
to be one of the primary spots for collect- fish can be found in their holes in the sand. mount can be found to the NW of Carpen-
ing pearls and there are still lots of oysters ter Rock. This sea mount starts in 15 meters
Lin the broken waffle like terrain on the top. and drops off once again to over 40 meters.
a Reina - This is another small rock that Lots of reef fish cover both areas and this is
has a navigation light on the top of it one of the best areas in the Sea of Cortes
I sla Ballena - A small reef extends from and a small sea lion colony. All sides drop off
the western side and drops off to 30 to 20 meters with a shipwreck in the sand
meters where there is another small on the southern side. There are several blue