Page 41 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 41

PARASAILING This exciting sport is avail-       available every day. Tourists are taken across   HELI TOUR At El Embarcadero (Kilom-
able all along Cancún’s beaches and allows      crystal-clear turquoise waters in modern         eter 4) you can board a sleek helicopter for
participants stunning views of the Hotel        motor yachts, catamarans, and even sloops.       a breath-taking ride down and around the
Zone by being attached to a speedboat-          Some tours include a snorkeling stop, conti-     Hotel Zone for a new view and appreciation
pulled parachute.                               nental breakfast, lunch, and a shopping tour.    of Cancún’s beauty. Wow!
SUBMARINE TOUR Atlantis Subma-                  Sunset and night cruises go to the beaches of    TAXI SERVICE If you are willing to trade
rine tours offers an all-day tour from your     Isla Mujeres or feature pirate or Caribbean      the much higher price of Taxi transportation
Cancún hotel to the Cozumel Atlantis Sub-       shows and include Mexican buffet dinners.        for convenience and personal service, then
marine base station. Atlantis is a genuine      SNORKELING, SCUBA DIVING The Maya                taxis are the way to go. You can get to and
48 passenger submarine that offers everyone     Reef, which runs parallel to the coast along     from any resort, the airport, any attraction,
a chance to experience one of the top dive      the Riviera Maya, is the second longest bar-     or city from Cancún to the Riviera Maya and
destinations in the world. Submerging to        rier reef in the world. The Mexican Carib-       beyond 24 hours a day. Taxis range from
depths of 100 feet, you will get to see Coz-    bean is famous for snorkeling and scuba          small cars to Suburbans to mini-buses in
umel’s Chankanaab Reef and its myriad of        diving. Also, the Yucatan Peninsula is full      size, so you can travel alone or with a group.
marine life up close without getting wet!       of fresh and salt water holes called “cenotes”,  BULLFIGHTS AT LA PLAZA DE TOROS
FISHING Cancún is a top destination for         which create the world’s greatest cave and       In downtown Cancún there is a small bull-
sportfishing. The marinas and nearly all        cavern diving.                                   ring, La Plaza de Toros, where bullfights take
the hotels offer fishing tours You can rent a   PARQUE ECOLOGICO KABAH This                      place every Wednesday at 3:30pm. Intro-
private boat or go out with a group. Septem-    wonderful family spot is a public park with      duced to Mexico by the Spanish, bullfighting
ber through February is a good time of year     beautiful nature paths through the jungle, a     is now an integral part of Mexican culture.
to catch barracuda, grouper, jackfish and       crocodile pit, toucans, monkeys, a pond with     EQUINOX SHADOWS OF KUKULKAN
kingfish. February through April you’ll reel    turtles and ducks, and a Mayan house, and it     On the Spring and Fall equinox, at sunrise
in kingfish, barracuda, shark, and blue mar-    is all free of charge.                           and sunset, the corner of El Castillo casts a
lin. April through August you’ll hook blue      PLAZA LAS AMERICAS This shopping                 shadow in the shape of the plumed ser-
marlin, sailfish, tuna, bonito and dorado.      center will take you away from Cancún and        pent Kukulkan along the side of the north
Annual catch-and-release fishing tourna-        back to your home town mall, complete with       staircase of the pyramid. The shadows of
ments are held here.                            Sears, JC Penny, Radio Shack, and Guess. If      Kukulkan (aka: Quetzalcoatl) slither down
BOATING Pleasure boat cruises from              you are hungry there’s a McDonald’s and a        the pyramid with the sun’s movement.
Cancún to the Nichupte Lagoon, Isla Mu-         Burger King. If you want to catch a movie
jeres, Isla Contoy, and other destinations are  then go to the 18-plex cinema.
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