Page 411 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 411

Shark Diving Facts With the Solmar V

       o I need to be a scuba diver? - No, you ent or guardian. Everyone must be at least  f I wanted to go into the water out-
                                                                                           side of the cage, would this be allowed?
D Ido not need to be a certified scuba diver Basic Open Water scuba certified to enter
to dive in the shark cages. In the cages at the the special submersible cage, but not the - No, all divers are required to stay in-

surface you do not wear a scuba tank. The regular cages that float near the surface of side the cages. The submersible cage

hooka system pumps air to your regulator, the water. All guests should be able to en- does allow divers to move further away

so you are underwater, but within a few feet ter and exit the shark cages on their own, from the boat and into deeper water.

of the surface. To dive in a submersible cage, and should be reasonably physically fit.   H ow large are the great white sharks
                                                                                                 at Guadalupe? - The adult male
you do need to be Open Water Certified.

D Io I need any special training? - Once      s it possible to do the shark dive if I cannot sharks range in size from 11’ to 13’. The
       you are aboard Solmar V, their pro-    swim? - Yes, it is possible for you to do the females are larger, measuring 16 feet to

fessional crew will present an orientation shark dive. There is no swimming involved 20 feet and weighing over 4,000 pounds.

and safety briefing and you will have am-     during the shark dive experience. You do    W hat guarantee do I have that I’ll see
ple opportunity to ask any questions you      need to be comfortable underwater, wearing           a shark? - Wild animals are unpre-
may have. No other training is necessary.     a mask and breathing through a mouthpiece.

A Hre there any physical restrictions on      ow close will I get to the sharks? -        dictable and untrained, that’s part of what
      diving with the sharks? - There is a    Up close and personal. However,             makes the wilderness experience so excit-
                                                                                          ing. That said, the Solmar V claims they

maximum waist measurement of 48” and a the Solmar V do not recommend reach- see sharks on every trip to Guadalupe.

minimum age requirement of 13 years in or- ing outside the cage to touch the sharks.

der to cage dive with Solmar V at Guadalupe.

All minors must be accompanied by a par-
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