Page 436 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 436

San Benedicto Island Dive Sites

T he Boiler - a large pinnacle that reaches     eye. They often swim from one diver to the      experience some unforgettable encounters
     from the depths to within several feet     next posing for every photographer along        with giant Pacific manta rays. Since this is
of the surface. Its small enough to swim        the way. Mantas are not the only show in        a cleaning station where hungry Clarion an-
around several times in one dive, but is large  town of course but they take centre stage       gelfish nibble parasites of the grateful man-
enough to be a favorite gathering point,        alongside a glittering support cast includ-     tas’ bodies, you can see many of them gath-
attracting marine life from miles around.       ing: schools of hammerhead sharks, dusky        ered here. They seem to almost welcome the
Humpback whales, whale sharks, and tiger        sharks, silky sharks and dolphins. If that is   presence of scuba divers, and might swim
sharks have been spotted here. What makes       not enough for you then there could even        very close to come eyeball to eyeball with
this site so magical is the congregation of     be a cameo appearance by other A-listers        you. They also clearly revel in the sensation
very friendly Giant Pacific Mantas. They of-    such as a whale shark or a humpback whale.      of divers’ bubbles rippling up against their
ten greet divers even before they enter the     The most highly rated dive site at San Bene-    bodies. If they came for the equivalent of a
water and can swim with you all day. Many       dicto can be located at the surface by sight-   spa scrub from the Clarion angelfish then
mantas come to be cleaned. They gather          ing the swell and surf that looks like the sea  you are providing a gentle bubble massage.
here to be cleaned by the clarion angelfish.    is boiling. When you see this you know you      These are not small pacific manta rays. wing-
They don’t seem to mind having the divers       have arrived at The Boiler. The Boiler fea-     spans of 5 or 6 meters is not uncommon.
present. The bottom is at around 160 feet       tures a beautiful pinnacle which rises from     There can be few manta ray experiences in
so getting your weights right and not be-       a base of around 50 meters to within 6 or 7     the world that can rival this region in terms
ing too heavy is very importantIt is usually    meters from the ocean surface. Most of the      of the size of the manta rays and the inti-
just a matter of a few minutes in the water     beauty at this site is within 30 meters depth   macy of the encounter. Other marine crea-
before the mantas started to show up. As        so there is no need to dive very deep. Cer-     tures are also drawn to this cleaning station.
they approach, they look you right in the       tainly you do not need to go too deep to
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