Page 449 - Mexico Diving From the Caribbean to Pacific Isles
P. 449
ne of the most significant threats special police. In some areas, such as the ea Turtles are magnificent creatures, as
east coast of Florida, conservationists dig
O now comes from by-catch due to S curious about us as we are about them.
imprecise fishing methods. Long-lining up sea turtle eggs and relocate them to Maybe they understand that we are also air
has been identified as a major cause of ac- fenced nurseries to protect them from breathing animals when they see the air
cidental sea turtle death. Sea turtles must beach traffic. Another major threat to sea bubbles ascending to the surface when we
surface to breathe. Caught in a fisherman’s turtles is black-market trade in eggs and exhale. They swim through water as a bird
net, they are unable to surface and thus meat. This is a problem throughout the flies through air; using their powerful front
drown. world, but especially a concern in China, flippers to propel themselves through the
S ome relatively inexpensive changes the Philippines, India, Indonesia and the oceans waters as a bird uses its wings.
to fishing techniques, such as slightly coastal nations of Latin America. Conser- These gentle creatures will remain in close
vationists in Mexico and the United States human contact as long as no threatening
larger hooks and traps from which sea have launched “Don’t Eat Sea Turtle” cam- affirmative movements are made by the
turtles can escape, can dramatically cut paigns in order to reduce this trade in sea scuba diver. We have witnessed sea turtles
the mortality rate. Turtle Excluder Devices turtle products. many times swimming gently and effort-
(TEDs) have reduced sea turtle bycatch in C limate change may also cause a threat lessly with us; acting as tour guide and
shrimp nets by 97 percent. Another danger to sea turtles. Since sand temperature ambassador of the coral reefs they inhabit.
comes from marine debris, especially from When in close contact with these explor-
abandoned fishing nets in which they can at nesting beaches defines the sex of a ers of the sea, it makes every scuba diver
become entangled. sea turtle while developing in the egg, feel as a child again; bringing excitement
B each development is another area there is concern that rising temperatures and providing a lifetime of memories. Their
which threatens sea turtles. Since may produce too many females. However, long lifespan, offset by the low ratio of
more research is needed to understand one turtle surviving to adulthood for every
many sea turtles return to the same beach how climate change might affect sea turtle 100 turtle eggs laid; makes it critical we all
each time to nest, development can dis- gender distribution and what other pos- take action to protect these magnificent
rupt the cycle. There has been a movement sible threats it may pose. creatures.
to protect these areas, in some cases by