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        Leadership Team:
Andrew Scott Joiner, Chief Executive Officer
Andrew has worked for renewable energy project development firms in the US, EU, and Asia. He got his start in project development after working in the public sector for the State of California, the United Nations, and theObama White House on energy and economic policy. He holds graduate degrees in environmental law and policyfrom Vermont Law School, and energy finance and management from Duke University.
Hasan Anwer, Chief Operations Officer
Hasan has worked for both the private and public sector in Pakistan and the UAE, as well as the United Nations inGeneva. He gained experience with multinational corporations operating in Pakistan before attending graduate school at Duke University as a Fulbright Scholar, and in his application essays he discussed his desire to use his talents and education to address the power crisis in Pakistan. He originally hails from Lahore, Pakistan.
Ryan Dilts, Chief of Staff
Ryan has previously been the owner and operator of a successful consumer products supply company with over $10million in annual revenue, as well as an operations and strategy consultant to niche-industry businesses.
Barry Joseph, Chief Financial Officer
Barry has most recently been the Vice President at Gerber Finance, a mezzanine lending firm that provides debtfinancing to large businesses globally. His previous experience was working with the U.S. Federal Reserve in Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA performing stress tests on commercial bank balance sheets during the financial crisis of 2008-2010.
Key Awards, Affiliations and Advisors -
               EnMass Energy Corporate Offices | 112 South Duke Street Suite 1
Durham, NC 27705 | United States of America
T +01 844 436 6277 | E | Website
Public Relations Contact | Cathleen Lewis Email: Phone: 310-567-2238

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