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                                waveforms. The value of the switching energy that was computed from the waveforms formed by each operating condition in the experiments is shown in Figure 5.
We can see that during turn-off, the slew rate for VDS is 28.5 V/ns with 1,200-V overshoot, while the slew rate of drain current is 6 A/ns with a small amount of undershoot.1 During the turn-on process, the slew rate for VDS is observed to be 11.5 V/ns with a little bit of an undershoot, while the slew rate for drain current is 4.5 A/ns and exhibits an overshoot of 175 A.1
The experiment also showed the switching energy for the 6.5-V XHV module to be 12× lower than for the conventional Si IGBT-based module.1 Table 3 shows the comparison of the switching energy at different loads.
XHV-7 model validation
Time-domain comparisons between the XHV-7 predictions of the LTspice model and the empirical DPT waveform under five different operating conditions are shown in Figures 6a and 6b and Figure 7.
It can be concluded here that it is hard to provide any sort of SPICE models that are accurate and reliable in nature, specif- ically for MV SiC MOSFETs, because they are not widely avail- able. This article described a way to address that problem by presenting an efficient behavioral model in a computational way precisely for MV SiC MOSFETs implemented in LTspice. The model of the SiC MOSFET given in this paper is a sub- circuit model with a core of Level 3 NMOS element. The Level 3 NMOS element is known to have significant advantages such as computational efficiency, reasonable accuracy, and the ability to converge properly in simulation. Additionally, the XHV-7 was demonstrated to have approximately a 12× lower total switching energy value than the considered Si IGBT module at 25˚C.
This article was originally published on Power Electronics News on June 9, 2021.
Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
is editor-in-chief of Power Electronics News and EEWeb.
1 B. DeBoi, A. Lemmon, B. Nelson, C. New, and D. Hudson. Modeling and Validation of Medium Voltage SiC Power Modules. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
2 T. Kimoto and J. A. Cooper. Fundamentals of Silicon Carbide Technology: Growth Characterization Devices and Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 2014.
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9 H. A. Mantooth, K. Peng, E. Santi, and J. L. Hudgins. “Modeling of Wide Bandgap Power Semiconductor De- vices—Part I,” in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 423–433. February 2015.
10 T Patel. “Comparison of Level 1, 2 and 3 MOSFETs.” 0.13140/RG.2.1.1616.3442. 2014.
11 B. W. Nelson, A. N. Lemmon, B.T. DeBoi, M. O. Chin- edu, and K. J. Olejniczak. “Extraction of Power Module Commutation Loop Inductance and Mutual Coupling via Active Gating Technique.” 2020 IEEE Applied Power Elec- tronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). New Orleans, Louisiana. March 2020.

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