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California Woman
Winter Edition 2022
Greetings California Members!
By the time you receive this message, the Holiday Season is over and a New Year started. I
hope the Season’s blessings will last the year long.
The New Year is the perfect time to renew our commitment to BPW and to our Mission. Most
of this term is gone and it is now time to see that our projects and plans for this term are be-
ing accomplished, for the sustainability of our Federation. It is also time to start thinking of
the new term, the Nominations Chair will be sending nomination forms, calling for dedicated
members to run for office or ask for an appointment. It is critical for California to have your
support in order to continue being strong. I take this opportunity to mention that we are still
in need of a Young BPW Chair to assist in searching and in guiding young members. The Chair
does not have the age restriction as the Young members. Just the willingness to work with
The Winter Board of Directors Meeting is approaching in conjunction with the Public Policy
Meeting. These meetings will be held in Sacramento, as hybrid events. That is, you can join us
in person or via Zoom. Besides our Federation business, the Board meeting will give you an
update of our committees’ progress and some training. You will have an opportunity to give
your input on important issues to be presented. The Public Policy meeting is also an im-
portant, not-to-miss event. We will have once again the “Legislator of The Year” as selected
by our Legislative Committee. I thank the Legislative Team for their work in organizing this
important meeting.
Congratulations to our Districts for their successful meetings, especially during the month of
October with the National Business Women’s Week. You had the opportunity to honor special
women and to recognize their success and their work for their communities.