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I wish to reiterate a request from our Editor, Monique Lee, that in the next edition of the
“California Woman”, in addition to the articles by our Chairs and Officers, we hear from each
of our Clubs in the State, sharing your work, your meetings, giving information from your
members so we get to know each other, and open a dialogue, sharing experiences with one
Congratulations to Downtown Sacramento member Jane Taff for her successful election as a
Councilmember for the City of Citrus Heights. We are proud of her success. In addition to
her new post, Jane is also National Chair of the Lifelong Leadership and Learning (L3) Com-
mittee, besides her active participation in her local BPW Club. You will see here some pic-
tures of her during the ceremony of taking office.
Congratulations also to our State Parliamentarian and Past NFBPWC and CFBPW President
Sandy Thompson for the honor of receiving a well-deserved award from the Burbank Coordi-
nating Council for her work with the Council. The Council serves the financially disadvan-
taged families in the Burbank community.
With your indulgence, I will take a Moment of Personal Privilege to share with you a moment
of “proud mother.” Some of you may remember my daughter Janelle, a previous member of
California BPW and a past Young BPW Member who represented us at the National Convention
in Tulsa, Oklahoma years ago. She just informed us that this week she has received the Su-
perior Honor Award from the Secretary of State in Washington DC. It is the highest depart-
mental award granted by the US State Department.
Looking forward to seeing you in person or on the screen at the Board Meeting and the Public
Policy Conference, I send you my best wishes for a 2023 year full of health, happiness and
Bessie R. Hironimus
President, CFBPW