P. 30

•  AB 2499 (Schiavo): Strengthening Safe Leave
           Would strengthen current anti-discrimination, leave and accommodations for survivors of
           domestic violence and violent crimes and allow workers to use their paid sick and safe
           days and take unpaid leave from work to support a family member who is a survivor of
           domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other violent crime.

           Position: SUPPORT

           Status: In the Assembly, hearing in the Appropriations Committee on May 1, 2024.

           •  AB 2759 (Petrie-Norris) Domestic Violence Protective Orders: Firearms
           Clarifies when a court may allow a person subject to a domestic violence protective order
           to possess a firearm and/or ammunition at work, when using a firearm is a job require-
           ment. It differentiates between peace officers and civilians.

           Position: SUPPORT

           Status: Passed in the Assembly April 18, 2024. Pending committee referral in the Senate.

           •  AB 2843 (Petrie-Norris) Health Care Coverage: rape and sexual assault
           Would require coverage without cost sharing for care and treatment related to rape and

           Position: SUPPORT

           Status: In the Assembly, passed in the Health Committee and referred to Appropriations
           Committee on April 24, 2024.

           •  AB 2901 (Aguiar-Curry) Pregnancy Leave for Educators
           Would fix a broken system for public school and community college educators who go
           without any paid disability related to pregnancy, granting them up to 14 weeks of leave
           with full pay.

           Position: SUPPORT

           Status: In the Assembly, passed in Higher Education Committee and referred to Appro-
           priations Committee on April 24, 2024.

           •  SB 59 (Aguiar-Curry) Menstrual Product Accessibility
           Requires free menstrual products to be made available in government buildings.

           Position: SUPPORT. (Amended to exclude applicability to schools and colleges.)

           Status: Passed Senate as amended. In the Assembly January 29, 2024, pending referral.

           •  SB 953 (Menjivar) Menstrual products
           Would require Medi-Cal to cover menstrual products as a coverage benefit.

           Position: SUPPORT

           Status: In the Senate, in Appropriations Committee, placed in suspense April 8, 2024.
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