Page 12 - BPWUK - E-news - Edition 106 - October 2022
P. 12

Seven ways to reduce your risk of dementia

         1. Stay connected

         Spending time with friends and family has been linked to a boost in mental performance.

         2. Keep moving

         Walking 10,000 steps a day is associated with a lower risk of dementia and other health issues. But
         experts also found that a faster pace, like a power walk, showed benefits beyond how many steps were

         3. Eat a Mediterranean diet

         Research from the University of Edinburgh shows that a Mediterranean diet may helpprevent brain
         shrinkage. So eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, beans and cerealgrains such as wheat and rice,
         moderate amounts of fish, dairy and wine, and limited redmeat.

         4. Quit smoking

         Smoking can increase your risk of dementia by between 30 and 50 per cent, says theAlzheimer’s As-

         5. Cut back on alcohol

         From your 50s on, Sir Muir advises one alcohol-free day per week, with an extra day forevery passing

         6. Find a sense of purpose

         Going to church and volunteering can help reverse memory problems in people withearly signs of de-
         mentia, research suggests.

         7. Get your hearing tested

         Losing your hearing is associated with diminished cognitive stimulation, which could raise your de-
         mentia risk.

         ‘It’s never too early and never too late to reduce your risk of dementia’ 8/12

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