Page 26 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
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FEC meetings have continued throughout the year by Zoom and there was no spend on external
meetings or FEC accommodation.
As at 31st December 2023 the balance on the General Reserve Fund stood at £24,613.
We increased our investment in Probus Women’s Housing Society Limited when our bond ma-
tured on 31.03.2023. We now hold a total of £4,191 in investments (consisting of £2,000 Na-
tional Savings Bond and one share in the Probus Women’s Housing Society Limited valued at £1
and £2,190 Probus Bond 4.5% Loan Stock 31.03.2025). At BPW UK Annual Conference we raised
some funds via a raffle for YBPW use so we have transferred those to the Young BPW Fund held
in Restricted Funds which now consists of £2,901 (consisting of June O’Dell Fund £500, Young
BPW Fund £401 and Closure Fund £2,000).
Overall BPW UK Annual Conference 2023 in Belfast made a small loss of £273. This would have
been more but for the generosity of the FEC donating £1,326 of their expenses. We were of-
fered sponsorship of £1,500 from Visit Belfast but unfortunately failed to meet their conditions
for the grant by not having sufficient hotel bookings. Also, the costs of providing hybrid con-
nectivity were not covered by the number of members using the facility.
Looking forward, the Budget for 2024 was prepared on the basis that we continue to invest in
our future to enable the organisation to grow so I have forecast for a further deficit. The in-
come is based purely on 2023 membership as at November 2023 so if numbers do not increase,
we are giving no false projections. We obtained acceptance from the membership that renewal
fees will return to pre-pandemic levels of £75 for standard and £40 for students/apprentices
for a further year. New members will now pay £80 and £40 for a student/apprentices. ‘Friends
Of’ supporters’ fee will remain at £50. The overall projected income is £6,825 and expenditure
£16,423 resulting in a deficit of £9,598.
Expenditure for the year assumes a limited number of face-to-face meetings and allows for at-
tendance at the BPW International Presidents’ meeting for our President. The Marketing & Me-
dia budget includes the annual Zoom subscription, funding for the launch of the new BPW UK
website and ongoing maintenance, advertising, creating new members packs and other promo-
tional material. The Membership budget includes funding for complimentary memberships and
we are again supporting the Inter-Regional Public Speaking Championship with £1,500 to be
used by Areas undertaking the competition and towards the national final. There is also budg-
et for a YBPW recruitment event and a Members Day as well as the June O’Dell and Interna-
tional Awards.
My thanks to Alexander Bell of Studholme-Bell for agreeing to exam the 2023 accounts.
Sue Holtom
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