P. 11

Monthly Club Meeting – Week/Day/Hour

               As it stands presently, our Monthly Club Meeting is on ZOOM, on the
               4  Monday of each month from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.

               Considering that some of us never miss a meeting … while more of us
               never attend a meeting, (in spite of being all totally up to date with our
               annual membership fee), we like to think that, perhaps, ‘timing’ is likely to
               be the main culprit? Why indeed join an organization, and pay a membership
               fee if never able to attend or participate in anything?  It is therefore
               absolutely crucial that we remedy this problem and find out through the
               following questions what would be the MOST POPULAR TIME for our Monthly
               Club Meeting, taking into account that some of us are semi-retired, or
               volunteering or working part time i.e. with, supposedly, a more flexible
               schedule, while others are deeply engaged in the workforce and its many
               Based on your answers a clear chart will be established revealing the time
               that will suit the MAJORITY. The said chart will be submitted to you in
               case you are able to make some minor adjustments. It is vital, if you care
               about our Club, that you answer all questions as we cannot improve in the
               dark. Thank you.

               A)- Are you overwhelmed by your work and can never find the time to
               attend a meeting, even though all our monthly meetings are on Zoom?

                     i - Which week/day/hour would suit you best? If possible give us 2 or 3
               alternatives from Monday to Sunday included.

                     ii - When we invite Guest Speakers to our meetings, which kind of topics
               would interest you the most or would be the most helpful to you?

                     iii - As a member, would you be willing to give us a talk on a particular
               topic, either directly related to your profession, or on any other subject, OR,
               alternatively, lead a discussion/debate on any particular subject dear to you.
               (Please mention topic(s)/subject(s) and how long you would require?)
               We shall NOT dictate or limit your time - If it is to be during a regular
               meeting, your talk can be 20 to 25 minutes + 10 or 5 minutes for Q&A.
               If you need more time, we shall be happy to create a special event for you
               and reach a larger audience. It is Your Organization – You will have the
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