Page 8 - Combined Folders HRHQEII - BPW UK Members Oct. 19th visit - E-news September 2022
P. 8
Edition 105– September 2022
During the summer we have all heard about how this winter will be hard both financial-
ly and emotionally for some.
The war in Ukraine has brought disruptions and heartache for many thousands of peo-
ple. We see the stories from the war correspondents and hear the words, but whilst we are
back here in the UK. We feel the pain of these people, but we do not live it.
This winter we have been asked to look at our energy usage as the supply of gas to Eu-
rope has sadly become a victim of political aggression. We must find alternatives; we will
look to our homes and daily routine and do a reboot, a factory reset on how we do things.
What if we look at this limiting of our energy usage in a different way, as an opportuni-
ty to look to the recommendations that COP26 brought us last year.
Our Wednesday night speaker this month was Sally Copley, External Affairs Director for
SUSTRANS ( SUSTRANS are responsible for the UK National cycle net-
work, from the Shetlands to Lands’ End and Northern Island. The routes are all numbered,
and the website gives links to the recommended routes, and the ordinance survey map link as
well. They recognise that women are less likely to ride a bike for many reasons, and Sally told
us about some of the groups that had been helped back onto bikes through mentoring and the
loaning of bikes. Confidence may be all some need; others may be more concerned that they
cannot use a bicycle any more for mobility issues. However, Sally confirmed that mobility
scooters and trikes are also welcomed to use the networks.
The conversion of our homes to greener spaces starts outside and I know that some of
you are keen gardeners as many sent me photographs to use as part of our Earth Day celebra-
tions in April. I have potatoes in our small veggie plot, but I love the herbs that I grow, and of
course the taste in my food! We count the journey not in food miles, but in food steps…….
This winter I am looking to use my electricity wisely, watch the weather forecast to put
the washing machine on and to peg the clothes outside to dry, instead of relying on my tum-
ble dryer. I have dusted off my slow cooker to batch cook and freeze meals. I will not leave
my PC plugged in all the time, and just charge as necessary. These small steps I should be
making as part of my green pledge to reduce consumption of this precious energy. Could this
be our greenest chance this winter? To preserve the precious resources Mother Earth gives us.
Let me know what steps you will take to reduce our consumption and waste in some part.
Finally, you will see this month that the newsletter group and the FEC have been taking
things seriously in the worries we all have about our economy. We have decided to keep all
BPW UK membership renewals at the same price this year. I know the team already work
smart, but with the dues for our BPW Europe subscription going up this year, we will need to
watch every penny. We know that it is member’s money, and we look to use it wisely.