P. 15
Valley Sunset District’s Winter Conference, scheduled for February 8, will focus on the
climate crisis facing our planet today.
The invited guest speaker, Kathy Kelly, will discuss
“Climate Crisis: BPW’s Global Efforts and Tips
to Make a Difference in Your Community”.
Kathy, a former NFBPWC Vice President Membership, is a passionate advocate for
fighting climate change locally. She is a graduate of former Vice President Al Gore’s
Climate Reality Project. Kathy has served in many BPW positions and her three-year
term on the Women for Water Partnership awakened her to the connection between
the environment and women’s economic self-sufficiency.
The conference, hosted by the Conejo Valley Club, will be available via Zoom and
everyone is invited to attend. For registration information, please
contact Sandy Thompson (
Burbank BPW has been busy providing Christmas baskets for a
needy family and hosting monthly meetings focused on a variety of
interesting topics.
Denise Luckhurst is shown here
with Christmas baskets donated
By Burbank BPW and members
of the family that received them.
Conejo Valley’s monthly meetings have been held at various loca-
tions in the area, acquainting local businesses with our organization.
Hollywood BPW has maintained its club status, although they have not met this year,
and their future is uncertain at this point.
Valley Sunset has recently amended its bylaws to return to a one-year term for offic-
ers, so the Nominations Committee is busy seeking members interested in serving as
officers in 2025-26. Parliamentarian Sandy Sanders has undertaken the job of revising
the district’s Policies and Procedures for the first time in a dozen years.
Our members continue to serve at all levels of BPW. We are proud to count CFBPW
president Anne Marie Johnson, treasurer Denise Luckhurst, and parliamentarian Sandy
Thompson among our membership. Additionally, Elaine Aftergut and Shaaron Casey
serve on the Bill Screening Committee and Rosemary Enzer is CFBPW Program/
Projects chair.
Rosemary Enzer, President
Valley Sunset District