Page 35 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
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Not only did we cover the cost of the guest meals but also raised £600 for the Human Traffick-
         ing Project.  Thank you to all who supported us in this endeavour.  Following this event Noelle
         accepted the offer of complimentary membership of BPW and we welcome her to the NI club.

                   In the regular cycle of our calendar, three heats of the Public Speaking Competition
         were held in November 2023 and a final in February 2024.  The standard of competition this
         year has been exemplary and we look forward to the Inter-regional Championship in March

                   MEF put out a call in December for bids from nominated charities to receive a grant
         award.  The Hygiene Bank, Moira and Craigavon was successful and received a grant payment.
         This money will be used to buy much needed supplies and resources for the benefit of people
         in need in a large part of County Armagh and County Down.

                    BPW NI has a long established connection with the Martha McMenamin Memorial Schol-
         arship.  Martha was a member of BPW and her memorial scholarship provides a donation to
         people studying in Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting to undertake a study in their sector.
         In 2023 six awards were made to the value of £12,994.  The projects include looking at student
         nurses learning of dementia care, the integration of Indian Migrant nurses and a model of inte-
         grated care for people experiencing substance abuse in resource poor or rural settings

                   Many years ago, BPW along with the Ulster University, established a Travelling Scholar-
         ship Award.  The scholarship provides a female student of the University with the opportunity
         to travel outside Northern Ireland to extend her experience and enrich her personal and aca-
         demic skills. In 2023 there was a large field of entries across a wide range of study areas. The
         scholarship this year was shared between two candidates, one for a conservation trip in Croa-
         tia and the other for a study in Great Ormond Street Hospital.

                    BPW NI continues to have representation on Women’s Forum Northern Ireland and
         Women’s Platform giving us a reach into many other organisations who support women across
         Northern Ireland.

                   This has been a busy year for BPW Northern Ireland members.  We look forward to 2024
         and all that it brings.

         Ruth Galwey
         BPW Northern Ireland President

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