Page 2 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 104 - July 2022
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As the conflict in Ukraine continues, I am still a part of the Working Group within BPW
International to see how we as an organisation can continue to support not only our members
but women and families in the country. From my hotel room last week I was able to partici-
pate in a zoom call with Dr Catherine Bosshart, our International President, Guiseppina Bom-
baci, Past European coordinator, led by Amélie Leclercq, and we were fortunate enough to be
joined by Victoria Filatova and Yulia Zaika, BPW Chernihiv. In this meeting we were updated
on the things that we are able to assist with. Dr Bosshart was able to confirm that a container
of essential goods has been sent to Ukraine from the funds raised:
and passed onto BPW International. These things include essential medicines such as diabetes,
blood pressure or asthma regular prescription medication. It also contained basic household
goods and essentials that have been purchased from a list that we have been sent by BPW
Ukraine. BPW International are liaising with drugs manufacturers so that medication that is
normally on prescription can easily be purchased and sent to Ukraine rather than going through
numerous customs checks. We also discussed the possibility of these being delivered direct to a
hospital or clinic.
Viktoria and Yulia are immensely grateful that we continue to be in contact with them,
to continue to talk about the issues that they face, and continue to send our support. They dis-
cussed the need for bicycles as fuel is out of the reach of families even if it was available. As
utility pipelines have been damaged, the need for civilian drones was also discussed so that
they can easily see where essential repairs need to take place. This work is vital before the
winter and the freezing temperatures that a Ukrainian winter brings. We discussed the Eu-
ropass scheme ( ) which issues diplomas in a digital format so that refugees
can have access to employment in a host country. These digital documents are even more es-
sential when it comes to home title deeds or bank statements. These pieces of paper very of-
ten are the last things one thinks of when leaving home possibly for the very last time. I think
of the many photographs around my room at home and realise that although they are so very
important if I had to start my life afresh this is not the first thing that I should perhaps take
with me.
And so as I close this month’s update I would like to wish you a happy and healthy sum-
mer break. The Newsletter Team will be taking August off and look forward to receiving arti-
cles from you ready for the September issue. However, my email remains open 24\7 for mem-
bers to get in contact
Joanne Kinsey
President BPW UK