P. 19

                                                     ANNUAL REPORT

         It has been an active and busy year for our committee as we planned and  chaired a Public
         Policy Conference with a full agenda of speakers and presentations by our members, screened
         numerous bills related to our PP Statement and participated in our club and district Public
         Policy meetings.

         An important task for the Public Policy Committee in even-numbered years is developing a
         proposed two-year Public Policy Statement.  At the CFBPW Annual  Conference,  all attendees
         will have the opportunity to comment on changes, make additional recommendations and vote
         on the adoption of the final document.  Please be sure to read the draft document before the
         CFBPW Annual Conference.

         No significant changes have been recommended in the Statement; however, you will note two
         new sections on housing and care for elderly and disabled women.  There are also some minor
         clarifications in changes in wording.

         Three focus issues were also proposed at the Public Policy Conference.  These include continua-
         tion of the 2022-24 focus issues on reproductive justice and voting rights and a newly pro-
         posed issue, housing security.  Focus issues provide a guideline for program planning for our
         clubs and districts, so your input is important.

         Our bill screening committee, Elaine Aftergut, Elaine Sierra, Shaaron Casey and Chair, Sally
         McMahon, have worked diligently throughout the year, looking at proposed legislation that
         includes the issues in our Public Policy Statement.  Please see the committee’s report included
         in your Annual Conference packet.

         Again, this year we have actively participated in the California Work and Family Coalition.
         Elaine Sierra served as our liaison for the Coalition’s Zoom meetings. Members of our team
         participated in the Advocacy Day lobbying sponsored by the Coalition.  When the Coalition
         testifies or sends letters of support to the state legislature for bills supported by our Screening
         Committee, CFBPW’s name is listed along with other organizations.  Membership in the Coali-
         tion has given us a voice in Sacramento that has been missing for quite some time.

         As CFBPW Public Policy Chair, I wish to extend my thanks to all our club and district Public
         Policy chairs.  Every district and most clubs had an active member in that position.  Your input
         and your participation have kept our focus on the critical issues that are facing women in these
         trying times.  Thank you for being part of the team!

         I encourage all CFBPW members to actively support candidates in November who support our
         Public Policies.  Vote as if democracy depends on it!  It does!

         Rosemary Enzer
         CFBPW Public Policy Chair
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