P. 48

Captain Jennifer Seetoo Honored

           Thursday April 4 the CA Federation of Business & Profes-
           sional Women honored our Conejo Valley chief Sheriff -
           Capt. Jennifer Seetoo with a lovely dinner at T.O. Paul
           Martin American Grill, plus a beautiful crystal plaque.
           She is a perfect example of why our organization was

                   Most of today's girls are not aware of how the op-
           portunities they now enjoy came about. ln the early
           1900's women were to stay home. lf they held a job as
           teachers or secretaries, they could not marry. A brother
           or father would pick up the girl's salary. My mother lost
           her teaching job when she married. Much later, that law
           was changed and she returned to teaching. She was an
           elementary school principal for over 25 years. She has a
           school named for her - ‘Margaret Duff Elementary School’ in South San Gabriel.

            Even in the 1950's many good-looking, new female teachers came from the Trans
           World Airlines as they were no longer hostesses if they were married. It was even
           hard for a woman lawyer to be accepted in a law firm, or a woman dentist   accept-
           ed into a dental clinic.
                   Today we have women pilots in our major airlines, female astronauts, female
           scientists, state and federal senators and female governors.

                   Thanks to the women of St. Louis, Missouri in 1919 organizing and speaking
           up for Equality for Women!  Over 100 years, many women organizations promoted
           opportunities for women to achieve better lives!
                   Capt. Jennifer Seetoo is a marvelous example of a woman not only becoming
           EQUAL, but even BREAKTNG THE GLASS CEILING - being Chief over the many
           male deputies !!!

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