Page 9 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 127 - January 2025_Neat
P. 9

Irene started her conversation with ‘money enables’. No money- no
         power, and women have very little of both. There is no country where
         women are paid as much as men even though they make up half of the
         work force. Women count for at least 40 % of the Global GDP but when
         unpaid work in home is included, women produce about 60% of the
         world’s goods and services.

         They work at work , and they work at home. The World economic Fo-
         rum’s annual Global Gender Gap report measures gender inequality in
         four dimensions. The 2024 report shows that progress for women has
         slowed down overall, but employment rates are up. How many different
         ways can we still say it? - we still have to fight for this. Countries are
         moving more to the right-wing policies. Women’s vote is split. Repro-
         duction rights are at risk, misogyny thrives.

         Young women have to understand that their human rights are not per-
         manent. We need to harness their power. How do we do that? Any law
         that has benefitted women came from women. The laws they passed
         have impact. We should pay attention to politics. The Emerge organisa-
         tion ran a boot camp for 550 women who were running for office-70%
         won. Irene reminded us that no matter what our work role, an engage-
         ment with politics even in the most basic level - voting-  is necessary.

         In the economic arena women CEOs globally are steadily increasing -
         15% in 2015 versus 26% in 2021. Asia Pacific lags behind the other re-
         gions. Japan is falling short of its own goals: proposed 2020 target of
         30% only reached 15 % of management roles in 2021.

         Terri asked Irene what we are doing wrong? Irene suggested we speak
         simply and practically when we speak to younger women- tell them
         what’s in it for them. A loaf of bread does not cost a woman less than
         what it costs a man. Give them opportunities. Teach them how to speak
         - this is a very good skill to have. Teach them what is possible and to
         pass on that skill.

         It is a call to us all to empower younger women to secure the future.
         The job is not done. No money- no power.

         Lynette Robinson
         VP International
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