Page 1 - BPW-UK e-news - Edition 100 - February 2022
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Edition 100 – February 2022
The link below gives
access to the Candle
Lighting message by our
International President
Dr Catherine Bosshart
which highlights the on-
going work undertaken
by BPW across the globe.
International Update
European Conference, Iceland
The Icelandic team have such an amazing conference
organised for you, please register so you do not miss
out on the opportunity to visit this beautiful country and
also to have fun with all your BPW colleagues.
Please note the early bird finishes on the 15th of Febru-
ary so please do not miss out on the offer.
We already have several members registered to attend
this conference and looking forward to taking part in
what promises to be a wonderful event with a wide Conference theme: Equality
range of high-profile speakers from a variety of busi-
ness and public service backgrounds. Speakers include:
Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland,
Ruth Galwey and Jacqui McLoughlin are the BPW UK
Ambassadors for this conference and will be happy to Eliza Reid, First Lady of Iceland, and
help with any queries you may have. Katrín Björg Ríkarðsdóttir, Director of the
Directorate of Equality,
Register at: