Page 3 - BPW-UK e-news - Edition 100 - February 2022
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SYNE Topical Discussion Group
The reason for the SYNE group’s formation (standing for Scotland Yorkshire North East), was to keep in touch with members over a wide,
geographical area during the restrictions imposed by the pandemic
Some topics covered to date, include:
- COP26 summit in Glasgow
- Transgender Issues
- Nature of Feminism e.g. could BPW be described as a feminist organisation?
- Comparison between central and devolved government responses to the pandemic
Too formal and too serious? Serious topics can be, and are discussed in an informal and friendly way, accompanied by large injections of humour.
Also, participants are encouraged to undertake research to inform discussion with updates on past topics undertaken.
The benefits from this group meeting include:
- Participants have greater understanding of current issues
- Discussions can act as an early alert to possible lobbying activity
- Greater understanding of similarities and differences between geographical areas
- Closer personal links between participants as general chitchatting also occurs.
Why not give it a try in your areas?
Afghanistan 2022
Stop Press…….
As this month’s newsletter is getting the final touches a news report on Afghanistan’s women keeps
coming onto my screen. I always listen to Alex Crawford on Sky news as I respect her journalism
and I grew up on the BBC’s Kate Adie. Last summer BPW UK wrote to our UK Prime Minister, the
Leaders of the Devolved Nations, and the then Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab MP, about the disin-
tegrating situation in Afghanistan. BPW UK then co-signed a letter from BPW Europe to the United
Nations and the European Parliament. We wanted them all to know that any inaction was being
monitored; we wanted this situation to have a better ending.
So, this is what we are doing as an NGO, and as the FEC within BPW UK. We continue to discuss this and on Friday I am taking
part in the SIX O meeting with other women’s groups within the UK who all have aligned views on this continuing disaster. But what
can we do as a member, as a woman and as a friend? If this was a friend in need locally, what would you do for them? So, if a
friend was unwell, might we offer a meal? If a friend had lost a home through fire or a divorce, would we offer anything we had to
spare? If a friend had lost a partner or a child, would we share our sadness and offer our support emotionally? I am asking you to
think of these women as our immediate friends, family, or a neighbour.
So, what can I do….?
These are just a few of the aid agencies actively working with our friends and neighbours, these women don’t have the same post-
code as us, but they are our fellow women. The BPW song is called “Women of the World”. Let’s share what we can, please.
If you can donate towards these women’s daily needs, please look to using one of the links below.
Finally, let’s remember the BPW song…… Women of the World by Jeanette Arsenault