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Aria-Vue  Daugherty is a high school senior at Santa Ynez Valley
                                  High School  in Santa Barbara County. She is the Director of Gen-
                                  eration    Ratify  California, Female Leaders in Power Co-Chair for
                                  California Youth and Government, and Santa Barbara Women’s Po-
                                  litical Committee Young Feminists Co-Chair. In March, she will be
                                  participating in a panel about the ERA for the United Nations Com-
                                  mittee on the Status of Women, and in August, she will be attend-
         Aria-Vue Daugherty       ing  Harvard  University  as  a  freshman  studying  Computer  Science
                                  and Government. Her main goals as an activist are to finalize the
                                  Equal  Rights  Amendment  into  the  Constitution,  and  improve  en-
                                  forcement of California’s Educational Gender Justice codes.
         Generation  Ratify  is the youth-led movement to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
         and advance gender equality in the United States of America. Their mission is to build a
         coalition of young people across the country leading an intersectional feminist revolution
         that empowers and advocates for the full equality of young women and queer people.

         With over 12,000 members in all 50 states, Generation Ratify has trained 300+ young
         people to lobby their legislators, contacted 1.09 million voters and coordinated direct
         actions across the country.
         They have filed two amicus briefs in the Commonwealth of Virginia, State of Illinois and
         the State of Nevada, v. David S. Ferriero, in his official capacity as Archivist of the Unit-
         ed States.

                             Fabiola Carrion is the Director of Reproductive and Sexual Health at
                             the National Health Law Program’s (NHeLP) Los Angeles office, where
                             she works to provide coverage for all reproductive and sexual health
                             services in California and across the country.  Before joining NHeLP ,
                             Fabiola was an Advocacy Program Officer Planned Parenthood Global,
                             where she designed, developed, and oversaw projects on sexual and
                             reproductive rights in Latin America that have resulted in some of the
          Fabiola Carrion    most progressive policies in the region. She also previously served as
                             the Director of Government Relations at Planned Parenthood New York
         City and as a Policy Advisor for a network of progressive state legislators and state-
         based advocates from across the United States.  In these roles, technical assistance in
         the form of legal analysis, legislative tracking, and policy trainings.

                                      NATIONAL HEALTH LAW CENTER

         The National health Law Program approaches its reproductive and sexual health work
         through the lens of reproductive justice:  the right to bodily autonomy, have a child, not
         have a child, and parent the children we have in safe and healthy communities and with
         dignity.  While not a reproductive justice organization, the National Health Law Program
         strives to incorporate lessons of the reproductive justice movement in their work to cen-
         ter the concerns of those most harmed by oppression and work toward a country in
         which everyone has meaningful access to the health care they need to support self-
         determination over their bodies, sexuality, health, families and reproduction.

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