Page 10 - BPW-UK -E-news - Edition 107 - November 2022 - BINDED
P. 10

1996  Leonora  Kidd  was  invalided  out  of  the  police  force  in  1991  following  an
          assault. She then funded herself through a BA (Hons) degree and the Award al-
          lowed her to embark on a Masters degree course in Innovation studies, a unique
          course which endorses the ethos and philosophy behind the government’s initia-
          tives     regarding competitiveness.

          1999  Alison  Tupling qualified as a State Registered Nurse who worked as a Staff
          Nurse and then a Junior Sister. Wishing to move into childcare, she was enabled
          by the Award to develop the experience for that by following a two-year part time
          course for NVQ Level 2 &3 in Childcare & Education.
          2000  The Award was sought by a number of applicants from wide-ranging occu-
          pations but was divided between two members .  For Dianne  Forbes,  a primary
          school  teacher  with  20  years  experience,  it  meant  she  could  move  into  special
          needs  teaching  by  taking  a  Master  of  Education  degree  in  Special  Educational
          Needs. Delia  Critchley used her award to help fund an MSc in Advanced Comput-
          er Science with the hope of later completing a PhD.
          2002  Jacky  Bates from Northern Ireland received the Award for help with fur-
          thering her Library studies resulting in a career change from being a dietician at
          the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast to becoming a part time library assistant hop-
          ing later to secure a full professional role.

          2004  Dr  M  Campos-Ponce, a post-doctoral researcher at Salford University was
          helped  to  gain  specialisation  in  Epidemiology  and  Disease  Control  at  Liverpool
          School of Tropical Medicine. This she would use to work in applied fields for NGOs
          as well as government health organisations.
          2011  Yasmeen  Khalaf  –  the  Award  allowed  Yasmeen  to  study  at  RADA  and
          RADA wrote to BPW to thank us for this support.

          2012  Jackie  Franklin  –  whose expertise is in finance took her leisure interest to
          a professional level when the Award allowed her to undertake a course in making
          jewellery. Now, a prime activity, she produces exquisite jewellery.
          2014  Libby  Ashmore. The Award helped her undertake a qualification with the
          Chartered Institute of Marketing and keep up with the rapidly changing marketing
          environment. Quite a challenge doing  the two years part-time study alongside a
          full-time job and raising a toddler.

          June would have been delighted to see how this award in her name has inspired
          members of the UK Federation to match her determination and advance in their
          chosen field. The Award is still available for members to make application for
          assistance to gain qualifications or experience that will bring them the success that
          June fought hard to achieve. ◼

          Sylvia G Perry
          Past President BPW
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