Page 28 - BPW-UK -E-news - Edition 107 - November 2022 - BINDED
P. 28
Members’ Emergency Fund
This is available to all Members who have contributed for 2 years or more.
Should you need advice or an application form then contact either or
All applications are treated in the upmost confidence.
North America and Caribbean Regional Conference BPW St. Kitts
Journey to Liamigua (St. Kitts) and Oualie (Nevis)
for the North America and Caribbean Regional Conference.
BPW St. Kitts is inviting all to the beautiful twin island Federation from
January 8th - 15th 2023, with the conference being the 12th to 14th.
This gives you plenty of time to explore both islands
from the beaches to the tropical forests.
Luckily for us here in the UK, there are direct flights from Gatwick Airport
on British Airways on Wednesdays and Saturdays
To book click here:
E-newsWe hope that you will be able to send us articles, information, and links that you feel everyone would be interested in know-
ing about. Please also keep us in touch with your own events. We would like to celebrate your area and endeavours. We are hoping
to send out the bulletin at least fortnightly so please send any articles to
Disclaimer The information in this e-news is, as far as we can ascertain, accurate at the time of publishing.
GDPR 2018
You receive this E-news as part of your membership of BPW UK. If you no longer wish to receive, please contact