Page 2 - BPW UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2021-2022 - PART I and II
P. 2

The Federation Executive Committee                      3

          Foreword                                                                        4

                            REPORTS                                   5

          President’s Report                                                                    5

          Vice President’s Report (Media & Marketing)                    8
          Vice President’s Report (Membership)                              10


                     REPORTS                                         27

          BPW London Anglia South East (LASE)                               27

          BPW North West and Midlands                                           28

          BPW Northern Ireland                                                            31
          BPW Scotland Yorkshire North East (SYNE)                       33

          BPW Southern England and Wales (SEW)                          34


          Ruth Tomlinson Memorial Fund                                          36

          Lucy Cavendish College                                                          37


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