Page 26 - Ontario CA Conference Annual Report -_Neat
P. 26


                   With the help of webmaster Bev Young, the State webpage has been updated
         combining Bay Capital and Northern into the new BPW California North District.
         Please see Along with the officers, there
         are photos from their April 22nd meeting where they finalized the merging.

                   Sierra Mar District met on April 15th and elected officers for 2023-24 – President
         Sally McMahon, President-Elect Karen Roberson, Secretary Mavis Hansen and Treasurer
         Denise Rubin. The updated information is on their webpage.

                   Valley Sunset District met on April 29th and elected officers for 2023-25 – Presi-
         dent Rosemary Enzer, Vice President Cherrl-Lou Jacobson, Secretary Marcia Jackman
         and Treasurer Denise Luckhurst. Photos from their meeting are on their webpage.
         Thank you Cherrl-Lou, Diane Reyes and Marjory for taking the photos.

                   As a reminder again, in April or May Clubs start electing officers for 2023-24.
         Please send the names of your officers and your calendar of programs for the year (or
         for the upcoming month) to or Linda Wilson, 1000 E. Newmark
         Avenue #22, Monterey Park, CA 91755 so that your webpage (each Club and District
         has a webpage on the State website) can be updated. Location and times of meetings
         should also be on your webpage so people can find out about your Club and District.
         Photographs can also be added to your webpage. Please take a look at the State
         webpage There is a great deal of information on the page. There is
         also an Events page that is used in addition to your Club’s page to publicize your pro-

                   Also, please E-mail photos of new members with a job title and name to this
         chair. If Clubs or Districts give “Women of Achievement” and “Young Professional”
         awards to people, please send a photo and information to this chair for the website.

                   It is up to Clubs, District and State to keep the information up-to-date so mem-
         bers and others can find the needed information.

         Linda Wilson
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