Page 26 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2023-2024
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I would like to start this report with the ‘thank you’s’. Thank you to Helen Ashworth as
Secretary and Nora Gleave as Treasurer. In addition to fulfilling duties of the area administra-
tion, they are closer to the members of the North West and undertake visits to those who are
not as mobile as they were. They also represented BPW UK at the funeral of Jean Scott.
A ‘thank you’ also goes to Pat Lunn for all her input and recommendations as a member
of the BPW UK Green and Environmental Interest Group (GEIG). Her doctor has clamped down
on several of her many activities.
In March 2023, I braved the snow to take part in the BPW
UK Conference and AGM, wonderfully hosted by BPW NI. The op-
portunity for Irish students to perform in the state chamber at
Stormont in the final of the Public Speaking Competition 2023
will stay with them for life.
It was also the first live conference
since the COVD-19 lockdown and embraced the hybrid technology.
BPW UK at its best.
The hotel had been chosen because of its ‘green credentials’
and it was an opportunity for BPW UK to contribute to more sustain-
able practice.
The BPW UK GEIG group continues to participate with Siiri Tivets-
Puttonen, the President of both BPW Estonia and the BPW Europe Green and
Sustainable Group, in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 on
Climate Action; March was all about preparing for International Earth Day
which took place on 22 April 2023, which I attended by ZOOM.
At the end of May, members joined us from around the country for our Spring Lunch. It
was a very social occasion and thanks again for making the journey.
Since then, we continued to submit articles to the BPW UK E-news. Pat Lunn wrote
about the current levels of methane by cows and I visited my four big, local supermarkets for a
piece called, ‘Making a meal of food waste’. Additionally, I attended the BPW UK Wednesday
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