Page 11 - Berkeley BPW Club Centennial Commemorative Booklet - May 21st 2022
P. 11

FOREWORDS                                                     11

                               Bessie Hironimus, President
                               California Federation of BPW

                               Congratulations BPW Berkeley on
                               your 100  anniversary.
                               We  are  proud  of    your  accomplish-
          ments      and  the  work  you  have  done  to  improve  the
          lives of working women in your community, the State
          and Nationwide.  Thank you for a century of dedication
          and  success.  We  are  looking  forward  to  a  bright  fu-

                                      Lynn Brandstater,

                              Immediate past-President
                              BPW California Federation

                                 100 year and counting!

                    Congratulations Berkeley on your legacy, and
          vision of the economic evolution of women going for-
          ward.  The prior leadership team hoped we could cele-
          brate your anniversary together.  You’ve shown the
          BPW spirit and flexibility to finally bring your celebra-
          tion forward.  I know your club will be a BPW beacon
          to fulfill the State Federation’s 100  anniversary com-
          mitment to diversity, global connectivity and human
          rights advocacy.

                    Celebrate your history and your momentum
          going forward for the next 100 years.■
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