Page 16 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 122 - June 2024 - PDF Format
P. 16


            Portsmouth                                                               A Personal


                   Being an ex-Jenny, commemorations like last week’s D-Day 80 hold a special
         significance for me.

                    I joined the Women’s Royal Naval Service in 1977 - it was definitely a case of
         ‘born in Nottingham, made in the Royal Navy’.

                   Following in my Father’s footsteps (he did his National Service in the RN),
         I served for 4 years, at HMS Dauntless, HMS Pembroke (Chatham Dockyard, now a
         museum!), RNAS Yeovilton, SHAPE HQ, Belgium and my last job was at the MOD.

                   I loved every moment of it, made lifelong friends and continued my associa-
         tion with the RN for another 32 years as a civilian volunteer with the Sea Cadets,
         back in Nottingham and nationally as a member of the National SC Advisory Board.

                   Moving to Portsmouth during Covid, as part of our retirement plan, brought
         me to the home of the RN and I have slowly got involved in a number of maritime
         organisations - naturally!
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