Page 16 - California Woman Fall 2022
P. 16
During this reporting period members reviewed our organizational structure
and felt maintaining a District level between the State and clubs was essential to
member support. As of this submission, two of the four Districts, Northern and
Bay Capital, are planning to merge. Their final plan will be presented in May,
This President took office in May, 2022 with the theme, “Taking Action.”
Our focus is to build membership with the goal of “Double or More by ’24.” The
first event for the new leadership team was a summer zoom training session.
The program included outstanding presenters and was a big success. Our Regional
Coordinator Dawne Williams discussed leadership; Neelima Basnet promoted
Young BPW; Dr. Trish Knight outlined member recruitment based on generational
differences and traits; Trudy Waldroop highlighted membership; and in a pre-
recorded presentation, Barbara J. Davis highlighted the Lifelong Leadership and
Learning modules.
This President is proud to report that the California Federation is active
with clubs and Districts now meeting in person, via zoom or in a hybrid format.
We are stable, poised to grow and ready for Taking Action.
Special thanks go to our immediate Past President, Lynn Brandstater for her
leadership, dedication and support to our members during this difficult time of
COVID-19. She and her leadership team kept the California Federation going in
spite of the difficulties. The members of California BPW are a strong group of
women. This president is proud and honored to serve them.●
Bessie Hironimus, President
California Federation of Business and Professional Women