Page 2 - Combined folders HRHQEII - BPW UK Members Oct. 19th visit - E-news Sept. 2022
P. 2

At a time of severe economic crisis where many people are in fear of not
         being able to afford literally to live and look after their families, we are ex-
         periencing a week of seismic change with the death of a much-loved Sover-
         eign whom most of us have only ever known as our Queen, the accession
         of a new King and the swearing in of a new Government following by a peri-
         od of national mourning.

             It is a truly worrying and daunting time for most of us at present as we
         wonder how we shall ever climb out of the trough into which we have fallen
         because of events over which our government and Monarchy have had no
         control.   It is a time when people have been robbed of the familiar and are
         looking to both the Sovereign and the new Prime Minister and her Govern-
         ment to give some sort of reassurance that we can survive the present cri-


             I shall be writing on your behalf to King Charles III to convey the condo-
         lences of BPW UK upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II together with our
         best wishes for a happy and successful reign.

             In the meantime, I have included a link to the official Boof of Condolence
         for HM The Queen Elizabeth II  -

              I have signed this on behalf of all members of BPW UK, however please
         sign this on behalf of yourselves, friends, and family. A selection of these
         comments will be passed directly onto the Royal family and will be held in

         the Royal archive for posterity.

         Kind regards,

         Best Personal Wishes

         Mrs Jo Kinsey
         National President BPWUK

         +44 7930 884015

         BPW UK Office:
         74 Fairfield Rise, Billericay, Essex CM12 9NU
         Tel: +44 1277 623867  email:

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