Page 6 - BPW-UK ANNUAL REVIEW 2022-2023_Neat
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This past year has been a busy one for the office of President, one that I hold very proudly. It
has been a year full of the building blocks needed to re-establish this wonderful organization in
a post-Covid world, indeed a once in a lifetime event. Although in many ways the limiting of
our travel has brought many features to our membership, like Zoom, to our consciousness
sooner than may have happened naturally.
The Wednesday webinar series continues to be popular, and we have been fortunate to attract
a high level of speakers. To date this has been included in the membership fees we pay, with-
out the need for a “pay per view” subscription that many of us are used to. I hope that you
have been enjoying this throughout the year. I am always open to receiving recommendations
for speakers, or a subject that you would enjoy learning more about.
As part of my role as President of BPW UK I am invited to attend each Working Group or Task
Force meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each Chair of these Groups for
their quiet endeavours throughout the year. Why not join one of these Working Groups to help
shape our organization in the next year. A full list is always available. But please remember
that each Group allows for ideas and policy to be shared with individuals contributing together
for a joint result.
In May 2022 six members of BPW UK attended the European Conference held in Iceland. I
would like to repeat my thanks to Anu Vicks our European Co-Ordinator and the conference
planning team in BPW Iceland for a fantastic event. It was wonderful to see women again not
only from Europe but from across the BPW International world. We had interesting speakers
and webinars for us to learn new skills with each other.
Left: Neelima Basnet, President Jo Kinsey, YBPW UK VP Yasmin Knight, Marina Leal-Freitas, VPs
International Jacqui McLoughlin & Ruth Galwey
As many of you know I am a member of the BPW Europe Ukraine support group, led by Amelie
LeClerc. Together we have been working on a project following on from discussions with our
BPW Ukraine sisters. These members show us all a shining example of resilience and that team-
work matters. I was indeed humbled when at the BPW European Conference I was presented
with a “Certificate of Appreciation” by Anu Vicks for the work I have undertaken to help our
Ukrainian BPW members and families.
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