P. 15

Screening Committee

                   The main function of the screening committee is to review bills proposed by the
         start legislature and decide whether to support them. The bills should be appropriate
         for our organization. Members include Elaine Sierra, Shaaron Casey and Jo Ann Mitchell

         as well as coordinator Elaine Aftergut. The committee receives referrals from general
         membership, committee members and Work and Family coalition. On occasion we

         might receive a request from an outside organization to support a bill that they want to
         see passed. These bills will also be reviewed by the screening committee.

                   When a bill is referred to the screening committee it is reviewed to determine if
         it fits in with our focus issues or policy platform. We then decide whether it should be

         supported, watched or not supported. The bills we decide to support or watch are usu-
         ally placed on the CFBPW website. These bills are assigned to individual committee

         members for monitoring and reporting purposes. We also have the option of preparing
         letters of support to submit to appropriate state legislators. When a bill passes through
         the legislature, is enrolled and awaiting review by the Governor, we can express sup-

         port on the hotline designated for this purpose.

                   Several years ago we joined the Work and Family Coalition. The coalition is
         composed of many organizations who are interested in similar bills relating to work and

         family. When the coalition decides to support and advocate for a bill we all have the
         option to support or not support the bill. This option is provided throughout the process
         of advocacy and support for the bill. When the proposed bill goes through the legisla-

         tive process, we are provided with feedback and opportunities for input. When a popu-
         lar bill regarding early application for family leave or state disability insurance reached

         the Governor’s office, we were told at a meeting to call the hotline to express support.
         The meeting was held up until we all made the call. This was a very strategic way to

                   It is apparent that some of the bills if passed and implemented will have a posi-

         tive impact on some of our population and this is true for working women and their

         Elaine Aftergut

         Legislative Screening Coordinator
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