Page 5 - BPW-UK - E-news - Edition 102 - May 2022_Neat
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By the time you have received this newsletter we will have heard from Sara Britcliff
MP as one of our Wednesday Zoom webinars. As a young woman in Parliament her first-hand
account will be fascinating to hear, especially with so much going on in Westminster currently.
We have written a few questions ready to ask on the evening, and we will feed these back to
you next month. ?
A recent Wednesday speaker was Naomie O’Connor from the Alliance for choice in
Northern Ireland. With elections on the 5th of May will the stalemate within Stormont
be broken, so that these health issues can be put right finally.
We hope to hear from Naomi again in a winter Wednesday webinar. The healthcare
that women receive around the UK differs greatly, by area and postcode. Jill Turner
leads the health interest group for BPW UK, and she welcomes input from our mem-
I would like to thank the members that joined the FEC on Zoom for the
annual review of BPW UK. It was wonderful to receive the feedback on
how the new FEC is working, and the vote on making this change per-
manent has been sent to you.
Please return the voting slip asap to Ann Wiseall at BPW UK HQ.
We look forward to seeing as many members as possible at the
Zoom AGM on Wednesday 22 June 2022 starting at 1900 hrs.
The Eventbrite registration details will appear further on in the newsletter.
As always, I am happy to meet or to hear from as many members as possible.
My email address is
Sunny St. Ives