Page 169 - INSPERIA-School Magazine TIGPSKON 2021.indd
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information and knowledge which is available at the is ‘NO’. Development and environment are two sides of the
click of a button. On the other hand, it has severely same coin. We are concerned about the environment as
limited actual contact between people. Owing to all the the major issues like global warming, greenhouse effect,
technological advancements and the gadgets available air and water pollution are increasing each day but at the
today, children often miss out on the most enriching part same time to eradicate poverty and increase growth in the
of childhood experiences such as playing outdoor games economy, development is a necessity. Without economic
with friends, which apart from being immensely enjoyable development a nation cannot come out of the vicious circle
and physically exhilarating, also develops traits such as of poverty. There is an urgent need of establishing a balance
teamwork and discipline from an early age. This age of between economic advancement and consumption of
rapid development has created at least as many problems natural resources. Development without environment is
as it has solved, if not more. meaningless. We need to save our resources for our future
generations; it can be accomplished by understanding the
Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation have inevitably
concept of Sustainable Development.
brought in desired levels of economic development.
However, such developments have negative environmental We can sincerely hope that we, as the most intelligent
consequences such as pollution. Environmental pollution species on earth, would take our fair share of responsibility
is a global problem that is inextricably linked with rapid and sincerely think about the path we should follow.
industrialization and urbanization. Pollution hampers Though mankind will possibly last for a long time due to
the sustainability of environment and ecosystem services. its determination and sheer ingenuity, we have to make
Environmental pollution is one the major problems that sure we strike a balance to solve environmental problems
affects biodiversity, ecosystems, and human health and don’t lose our humanity somewhere along the way.
worldwide by contaminating soil and water. It is a global
problem and is common to both developed as well as
developing countries.
Sohini Sarkar
Thus, the next question that arises is ‘Should we bring
the process of development to a complete halt?’ The answer Department of English
Techno India Group Public School 169