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The Leek, a publication related by both genus and species to The Onion, is the world’s most highly underrated source of Breaking News — news about the ever-widening abyss in our democracy orchestrated and executed by the current Occupant of the White House.
The first edition of The Leek was intended to also be the final edition. However, the author, Sandra Nelson, could not allow the mind-blowing events of 2020 to permanently contaminate her soul without comment.
The author has been in self-imposed quarantine since March 11 of this year. That’s equivalent to 5,232 hours and 313,920 minutes. She has traveled nowhere except in her dreams. She has gained weight and lost hope. She is not religious, but faithfully wears a mask everywhere.
She reads too much news and gratefully remembers too little. She plots escapes, but neglects their execution. She lives for Masterpiece Mystery, and dies for so-called normal again.
In addition to preserving a towering standard of audacity, this Covid Edition of The Leek is a second reminder that septuagenarian women of a far left political bent are still making “good trouble, necessary trouble,” as Civil Rights icon and Congressman John Lewis said. These same women are currently working around the clock to ensure that November ushers in a Democratic sweep of the House, Senate and White House.
They are also furiously working their beads.
OCTOBER 16, 2020